StandbyAdventures Travel Contests


Welcome to StandByAdventures Contests  

StandByAdventures Contests are designed to help the awesome travel gems you find reach fellow Travel Junkies as well as a fun way for these businesses to connect with current customers.

Contests are a great way to strengthen Travel Guides but best of all to PUT MONEY IN YOUR POCKET.

The contests are easy to join, and you can even suggest a contest for us to host. A contest can be anything you desire, such as best travel guide for a destination, best travel video, or photo contest. Your imagination is the limit!

Get started by Signing up and Creating a Travel Post!

Join US!

To enter or suggest a contest is easy, all you have to do is:

  • Be a member of StandbyAdventures in good standing
  • Post a Travel Guide of at least 2000 words (all guides must be unique content)
    • Guides can be for any destination or travel tips you wish but we suggest they include: off the beaten path locations, restaurants, lodging, travel, adventures, fun excursions and tips that are not easily Googled
  • Include at least 8 images (you must have rights to distribute all images)
    • Use descriptive images that help tell the story

What do I win?

The grand prize award includes everything that sponsors have pledged for that contest. This can include cash, meals, accommodations, travel, adventures.  It is basically limitless. When a contest is posted live, we will invite all our current sponsors to pledge prizes.

How do I win?

Results are based on:

Total Number of Votes per Contest

What is in it for the Sponsor?

Sponsors can choose their own level of involvement and exposure.

We have multiple packages with varying degrees of exposure for the sponsor that include direct links, full page information guides, geo targeted maps, and newsletter inclusion.

Click Here to Learn More!

All Sponsors will enjoy benefits.

  • All contests are archived and the Sponsor’s link, information, and image will remain for 1 year after end date
  • Sponsors get exposure from all Social Media links shared by the contest
  • Links and references are shared in submitted Travel Guides
  • Sponsors are highlighted and showcased on our sponsor page

Let’s consider this scenario.

You visit an exotic place in Italy or enjoy a sumptuous meal at a little known, but delicious restaurant in France.  

That’s a new discovery, right?

From the restaurant chef’s perspective, he’s expecting you to spread the word as a compliment for his service. He hopes or expects more customers to visit him. Unfortunately, word of mouth is slow.

You approach the owners asking if they would like their restaurant to be shared with fellow Travel Junkies on You can show them and explain how Contests are great ways to engage current and future patrons.

Signing up through the site is easy and they select you as the Affiliate so you can get credit. staff will follow up to further explain the benefits and assure them that they will see positive results.

Once the new Contest goes live – YOU GET PAID!

Get started now.

This is a great way to earn extra money for travel and share your own experiences.

Contact us today to join and become eligible to enter our contests.

We are always interested in hearing from our fellow Travel Junkies. Let us know what you think!

Join US!

Learn more about Making Money Traveling